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Are you thinking of starting a poultry farm but don’t know how to get started?

First thing first, your poultry farm setup (Penn) is the first step to success in the poultry business.

The poultry farm (Penn) has structural recommendations or architecture best fitting for poultry management.

One of the determinants of your chicken’s best performance is the comfortability of the Penn. A good poultry house must have all the structural features that ensure safety and healthiness of the chickens.

The structural design must ensure:

  • Good lighting
  • Built with stock capacity in consideration
  • Well proof from predator
  • Enables good ventilation
  • The topography of the land must also be considered against erosion and other environmental hazards.
  • A perfect poultry Penn or chicken coop provides optimum comfort to the birds. The Penn must be good enough to keep the birds secured from adverse weather conditions like rain, direct sunlight, winds, pests, and diseases.

Are you intending to start a broiler or layers farm? Depending on your available resources, you can choose between the extensive, semi-extensive, or intensive poultry Penn.


It is always advisable to go for a deep litter Penn system for broilers and battery cage system for layers.
The size of land required is also depending on the stock capacity you want to start with.

If you intend to build a Penn house for 1000 broilers, you’ll need about 500 square feet (46.45 m²) of land space and some 100 square feet (9.29 m²) extra for proper ventilation, lighting, and walkways.

A lot of farmers already failed from the beginning by ignoring the very foundation of their business, which is their farm setup.

This is why you require our expert services.

We will help you do a structural estimation following the architectural requirement of a poultry farm for maximum profitability depending on your budget.

Get in touch with us right away


2 thoughts on “Poultry Farm Setup”

  1. Kennedy says:

    What is the deep litter pen system

    1. Mikky Fynest says:

      deep liter penn system refers to keeping your poultry birds on the floor of the penn where they have opportunity to move freely and exhibit some of their natural activities like dust bathing, flying, scratching and more instead of keeping them in cages

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